Partnering with communities and organizations to enhance capacity to provide and sustain diversity, equity and trauma-informed reflective supervision and practices across systems


The Reflective Supervision Collaborative (RSC) is a collective endeavor focused on supporting the growth of reflective supervisors, change agents, leaders, mentors and trainers prepared to sustain meaningful levels of reflective supervision, reflective practice, and leadership in their institutions. The RSC also focuses on the implementation of reflective supervision within organizations and agencies.

The work of the RSC is guided by a set of core perspectives and processes:

Perspectives & Processes

The RSC Team

Join Our Team!

Our Origin Story

RSC Training Series

This intensive online training uses an engaging learning platform allowing the RSC to share a variety of resources and tools that participants can access easily and later infuse into their practice at the local level.

The training materials and interactive activities were created to provide learners with opportunities to explore, apply and integrate the reflective supervision processes and perspectives over time. While some learning activities will highlight specific perspectives or processes, our goal is to incorporate and intertwine these ideas throughout the learning intensive with opportunities to find coherent and attuned ways of meeting the complex needs of supervisees — in all aspects of their job — while at the same time providing the best possible services for children and families.

  • Track I includes eight 2- to 4-hour virtual Learning Block sessions and Track 2 includes six 3-hour on-line learning sessions.
  • To participate in Track II, participants must have completed Track I. Tracks can be offered sequentially so that completing Track I and II is possible within a 12-month period. It is also possible to plan Track II after Track I has been completed.
  • All participants in each track will need to commit approximately 4 hours per month for off-line work consisting of reading, viewing video clips, and audio or written journaling.
  • Additionally, for each track there are 5 to 7 small group 1.5-hour Mentoring Circles to support application of the content and processes for participants’ work. Each mentoring circle will have no more than 8 participants.

What’s different about this Reflective Supervision training?

This initial RSC intensive training series was created to support individuals, programs, and systems in creating a robust reflective stance that supports and sustains the leadership and supervisory activities necessary for strong, effective, equitable, diverse, and inclusive programs.

There are several unique and revolutionary features of this training intensive series, it:

  • Focuses on all aspects of reflective supervision using a “whole job” approach, which encompasses the clinical and administrative aspects of a position as well as taking into consideration the ecological context of the work.
  • Supports the infusion of transformational reflective supervision practices and leadership approaches that incorporate principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, and a trauma-informed lens in a robust evidence- informed learning approach.
  • Includes materials and a learning design that have been conceptualized and built over several years by a collaborative of national expert reflective supervision leaders involved in the teaching, training, research about and promotion of reflective supervision. Meet the Collaborative team.
  • Works closely with the local sponsors to consider and plan for the unique needs of each group or region
  • Arranges individualized schedules with local sponsors with a 6 to 12-month time range for each track.
  • Includes delivery through the incorporation of virtual technology including best practice approaches to on-line and in person learning. Learning materials and approaches are highly interactive and include both synchronous and asynchronous approaches.
  • Involves curriculum modules intermingled with small group mentoring circles and individual mentoring opportunities throughout the training to allows for participants to integrate the concepts and practices into their daily work between different learning modules.

The Reflective Supervision Collaborative is generously supported by Southwest Human Development and the Perigee Fund.

For questions or to receive more information about the Reflective Supervision Collaborative, please email [email protected].

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