Workplace Giving

Make an Automatic Donation through Your Employer

Workplace giving programs provide an easy and convenient way to make a difference in the lives of Arizona’s youngest children and their families. Simply sign up for your employer’s workplace giving campaign and use automatic payroll deduction to make your donation to Southwest Human Development or Easterseals Southwest Human Development.

United Way

United Way’s LIVE UNITED Workforce Campaign is an easy and effective approach to building employee morale while strengthening your businesses relationship with the wider community. When you give through United Way, your organization’s philanthropic efforts will focus on helping individuals and families achieve their human potential through education, income stability and healthy lives.

To give through Valley of the Sun United Way (Maricopa County), please designate your gift to Southwest Human Development by using agency code 7043.

For all other United Way contributions, simply fill in the “restricted contribution” line on your pledge form with: Southwest Human Development, 2850 N. 24th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85008.

Community Health Charities

Community Health Charities (CHC) is made up of more than 60 of America’s most recognized health charities who work together to raise charitable contributions in the workplace. Employee donations are used to support Community Health Charities member charities who provide research, patient services and outreach programming in local communities.

To give through the CHC Campaign, please  designate your gift to “Easterseals Southwest Human Development” on your company’s giving pledge form.

Combined Federal Campaign

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the nation’s largest workplace giving campaign, supported by federal employees and the U.S. military.

To give through CFC, please write “Southwest Human Development” on your pledge card and use CFC number 43417. State, county and local government employees can also designate to us through their local workplace giving campaigns.

Matching Gifts

With matching gifts, your company can double (or even triple) the impact of your support and show that they care about the charitable causes that are most important to you. Be sure to ask your employer if they have a matching gift fund and ask them to match your gift to Southwest Human Development or Easterseals Southwest Human Development.  All gifts made to Southwest Human Development or Easterseals Southwest Human Development through workplace giving are tax deductible and eligible for an Arizona charitable tax credit.

Southwest Human Development is a proud partner of Community Health Charities. Community Health Charities represents our nation’s most trusted health-related charities in workplace giving campaigns nationwide.

Southwest Human Development is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (Federal Tax ID #86-0407179) and a qualifying nonprofit organization for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit (QCO Code 20390)