Fussy Baby

Supporting Babies in Their First Year of Life

All babies cry, but some cry more than others. One in five babies is fussy. They may cry excessively, be difficult to comfort and have trouble feeding or sleeping. For parents, caring for a fussy baby can be exhausting and frustrating. While there may be no quick fix, there is help.

The Fussy Baby program is a component of the Birth to Five Helpline and provides support for parents who are concerned about their baby’s development during the first year of life. Fussy Baby clinicians work with families to explore ways to soothe, care for, and enjoy your baby. Experts also offer ways to reduce stress while supporting you in your important role as a parent.

Services of the Fussy Baby Program are provided in-home for families residing in Maricopa County, by telephone or through virtual video consultation statewide.

Part of the Fussy Baby Network at Chicago’s prestigious Erikson Institute, Southwest Human Development’s Fussy Baby Program strives to prevent negative outcomes by enhancing the competence and confidence of parents and caregivers who experience the stress of excessive infant crying.

Access the FREE Fussy Baby Program by calling the Birth to Five Helpline at 1-877-705-KIDS (5437)

Fussy Baby Sign Up

  • Hours are Monday – Friday from 8am to 8pm