High Risk Perinatal Program

Helping Families with Premature Newborns

The High-Risk Perinatal Program (HRPP), formerly the Newborn Intensive Care Program (NICP), provides in-home community health nursing services to assist families and their newborns during the transition from the Newborn Intensive Care Unit to their home and community.

Any baby who spent at least five days in a Level II or Level III nursery qualifies to have home visits from a community health nurse or nursing support specialist through this program.

The community health nurse in your area is notified when your baby is discharged from the hospital. During the home visits, your baby’s physical and developmental progress will be observed and discussed with you. Through these home visits, you may receive support and education, as well as referral to appropriate community resources. The nursing support specialist can also help match you with resources such as WIC, food stamps, financial assistance, Supplemental Security Income, counseling, parenting skills and more. You and your baby can receive home visits by the nurse until he/she is about 12 months of age.

Facilitated by the Arizona Department of Health Services, HRPP is part of a statewide system of specialized care and follow-up that supplements the care your baby receives from your regular doctor.

There is no charge for this service!