Dinner set on table

How eating as a family inspires healthy habits in young children

Break out the dinner plates and make the most of family moments by prioritizing regular mealtimes to create lasting healthy habits for your children and family. By creating a structured and healthy mealtime ritual, parents can help children learn the importance of sitting down for a meal while developing healthy habits....

school supplies

6 ways to get kids ready for a new school year

Making sure that children are properly geared up to conquer the school year begins at home. Parents can be proactive by taking useful steps in helping children begin the school year with a positive attitude and the tools for success. Read with your kids Reading aloud with children throughout the summer can have...

kids sitting at table

Choosing the right preschool for your child

Today’s young students are expected to arrive to kindergarten with a foundation of basic academic and social skills. From the first day of school, students must be prepared to begin learning to read, write and do basic math. Though choosing a preschool that will help your child meet kindergarten standards may...

man holding child's hand on beach

Last-minute family summer getaway ideas

Though summer’s heat is pushing on, children’s summer break is soon coming to an end. Amidst getting ready for kindergarten and preparing for the new school year, families are still making time for last-minute fun in the sun. Vacations offer unique windows of opportunity for family bonding time, learning and good old-fashioned fun....

What parents need to know about swim lessons

Swimming is a go-to pastime to beat the summer heat, but it’s important to always consider safety precautions when children are around any body of water. While nothing replaces adult supervision, introducing young children to swim lessons can be a proactive step to helping keep children safe. Swim lessons are readily...

Help kids avoid the summer slide by fostering a love of reading

The “summer slide" describes a student’s tendency to fall behind in academic progress over the summer months. Each year, many children of all ages face challenges as they begin school in the fall because of the break from reading and learning over the summer months. Children who do not maintain a...

Adult holding baby at beach

Five ways to keep your kids safe this summer break

June is National Safety Month, a month-long reminder to take safety precautions all year long. While kids are enjoying sun, fun and never-ending Popsicles during the summer months, parents can gear up for the long summer days by keeping safety in mind to ensure a happy and safe experience to remember. Swim...

Man reading with baby

Why you should read aloud to your child

It’s common for adults to overlook the importance of reading aloud to young children, but the activity is more essential to early childhood development than parents may think. Reading aloud to children stimulates healthy cognitive and emotional development. Early language and literacy impacts children’s ability to focus, set goals, control impulses...

Characters looking at bird

How caregivers can boost young brains

Five simple steps for stimulating interactions with young children — at home, in child care or in preschool. When adults react and respond to young children’s babbles, gestures and cries, they are doing more than providing good, nurturing care. They're actually laying the groundwork for children's future growth and development—helping to...

Chalk board and books

How to thank teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week

High-quality educators make an incredible difference in the lives of children by providing knowledge, support, inspiration and so much more to the young minds who enter their classroom each day. Not only do teachers elevate children’s minds to reach their best potential, but they also ensure a foundation of knowledge...