5 Spring Break family attractions in Phoenix

Spring Break is a welcome respite for parents and children. The stress and burnout experienced by families during the pandemic have made breaks especially appreciated. Whether you haven't made Spring Break plans or your plans were canceled due to surging COVID-19 cases, there is plenty of fun right here in...

#DadTips: Fathers’ unique impact on child development

Involved, caring parents and caregivers build the foundation for their child’s development and future success. Fathers have often been stereotyped as “secondary” parents with some even considering the role as disconnected or not as important as mothers. We know that simply isn't the case! Did you know that fathers play...

Gingerbread Kids gift drive provides holiday cheer to nearly 1,700 Valley children

During the holidays, gifts can express our appreciation and care for those closest to us. For kids, unwrapping a new toy or outfit can light up their faces and homes with smiles. Southwest Human Development’s annual Gingerbread Kids Holiday Gift Drive delivered holiday gifts and spread holiday cheer with Arizona...

5 ways to involve children in holiday traditions

By Emily Singleton The holiday season is a time for parents to celebrate the magic and excitement of the holidays with their children. Part of this is about taking the traditions from your past and creating new ones with your children. During the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, sometimes...

Early childhood gift guide

The best gifts for young children can put a smile on their face as well as nurture their imagination, motor skills, literacy and overall development. But don’t be overwhelmed by the enormous toy section at the store or pages of products online! We’ve put together a guide for gifts appropriate...

Thank You

How to help children be thankful this holiday season

When children practice being thankful at a young age, habits are formed that can structure a greater chance of happiness throughout life. Individuals who are thankful, regardless of personal circumstance, often live happier and healthier lives. Studies show that increased gratitude can result in positive self-esteem, healthier relationships, psychological health,...