January 28, 2016 / In

Meet Santino, one of our 2016 Walk With Me ambassadors

Watch Santino’s Story


Shortly after the birth of their son Santino, Bobby and Amanda received the news that their newborn had a very rare brain abnormality called bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria. The disease caused Santino to have low muscle tone and weakness in his arms and legs which prevented him from sitting and standing on his own.

2015-09-05 12.05.57 copyBobby and Amanda struggled to find a chair that provided the proper support for their son. After several physical therapy appointments, someone suggested the family contact Southwest Human Development about a Happy Chair. The chair, specially designed at the ADAPT Shop, helps young children build upper body and core strength.

A therapist from the ADAPT shop visited Santino at his home and measured him for his own happy chair.

“The ADAPT shop was probably one of the first places that we got to that actually showed results and solutions that would actually be beneficial for

Santino,” said Bobby.

The family also received a Zip Zack to help Santino with his movement. According to Amanda, the Zip Zack allows Santino to move on his own and play with his brother and sister.

“I don’t think there is anyone that’s done that much for us along our journey and given him so much opportunity to grow and thrive,” said Amanda.

Be sure to say “Hi!” to Santino and his family at this year’s Walk With Me!