SMOOTH WAY HOME REFERRAL FORM "*" indicates required fields General InformationParent/Guardian Name:* First Last Parent/Guardian DOB: MM slash DD slash YYYY Child's Insurance Carrier:Child:* First Last Child's Gender:Child's DOB:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Cell Phone:*Home Phone:Email:* Address:* Street Address City ZIP Code Primary language spoken at home?*Bilingual:* Yes No If Bilingual, what other language is spoken in the home?Referral InformationReferral Source:*Referral Phone:Referral Email: NICU Hospital*Reason for Referral?*Is the client currently receiving mental health, psychological or psychiatric services from another provider?* Yes No Has the client received counseling services in the past?* Yes No If Yes, please list diagnosis or reason for given treatment:Referral to (Please check):* Smooth Way Home home visitation VINES Mental Health AuthorizationConsent By checking this box, I authorize releasing my personal information and medical records to a Southwest Human Development / Smooth Way Home representative. I understand a representative from Smooth Way Home will be contacting me. I understand that I have agreed to disclose the above contact information and any pertinent medical records to Smooth Way Home and this program may not disclose it to anyone else without my prior consent. This authorization is valid for three (3) months after submitting this form.CAPTCHA Helping Arizona Children & Families With your support we can do even more GIVE NOW