June 19, 2024 / In

Eve DelReal

Eve DelReal has worked in Head Start and in the early childhood education field for more than 20 years. 

Before joining SWHD in January 2024, Eve served as the Maricopa County Human Services Assistant Director where she led the implementation of the early education division, including the Head Start program with an annual budget of $22 million.

Before that, she held multiple leadership roles in the Head Start and Early Head Start space. Eve currently serves as the President of the Arizona Head Start Association where she provides state-level strategic leadership that has helped to establish a stronger presence and partnerships with the Department of Economic Security, Department of Education, and multiple institutions of higher education and workforce development. Other accomplishments from Eve’s career in public service include opening childcare facilities, developing a shelter for single mothers, and leading the implementation of the Early Head Start Child-Care Partnership program for the county.

Her commitment to public service was recognized numerous times by elected leaders, specifically for her contributions to improve the lives of children and communities, which includes the California State Assembly as Woman of Action for 2010.

Eve is pursuing her doctoral studies in Public Administration and is an advocate for high quality social service programs.