Volunteer Sign-In
Thank you for your volunteering with us today!
Please complete the form below so we may acknowledge your gift of time and confirm you have reviewed the SWHD Volunteer Agreement and Release form.
If you would like a copy of the Volunteer Agreement and Release for your files, click here.
Southwest Human Development Volunteer Agreement and Release
I understand that I am participating in activities by my own choice and that I may be volunteering my services to various social service organizations. I further understand that the nature of such volunteer activities may involve physical activity, contact with unidentified/unfamiliar persons, and other potential risks of injury. With full knowledge of the risks associated with such volunteer activities, I agree to release and hold harmless SWHD, the organizations at which or on behalf of I am volunteering, and each of their respective employees, officers, directors, volunteers, agents, agencies, and funding sources, from all liability and responsibility pertaining to any claims, demands, and actions resulting from my participation in such volunteer activities, including claims, demands, and actions resulting from illness or injuries (physical or mental) and/or property damage (including any injury or damage caused by negligence) during my participation, that are incurred by myself and/or arising either directly or indirectly from any cause whatsoever, whether caused by SWHD’s active or passive negligence or otherwise. I understand this release extends to claims that I do not know or do not expect to exist at the time of the signing of this Agreement. I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless SWHD for any liability that may arise as a result of my negligent, criminal, willful, or fraudulent acts or omissions that occur during my participation.
This photo release pertains to both SWHD and its third party photographer (“Photographer”) if any, and their respective directors, officers, members, managers, agents, representatives, employees, volunteers, licensees, designees, or assigns. Without limitation or compensation, and in exchange for the possibility of having my image used by SWHD or Photographer, I authorize and grant SWHD and Photographer, today and in the future, the following unrestricted and unconditional rights and permissions: (1) to record on any media (photographic, video, digital or otherwise, with or without sound) my image, voice, and likeness (whether alone or with others) (collectively the “Photographs”); (2) to use, re-use, use commercially, publish and re- publish, display and reproduce the Photographs in whole or in part, with or without alteration or modification, individually or in connection with other images (of people, natural elements or any other imagery of any type), and in any and all manners and media, whether now known or later invented, with or without my name or a fictitious name, in any geographic territory, channel of trade or market; (3) to alter, edit, crop or retouch the Photographs without retraction; and (4) to copyright the Photographs. I understand the Photographs may be used for any and all purposes, including without limitation, exhibitions, public displays, publications, commercial art, and advertising purposes, in any media, including without limitation, on billboards or the Internet, and that the Photographs may be displayed publicly and prominently, possibly for a long time or permanently. I waive any right to inspect or approve any use of the Photographs or the rights granted in this Agreement by either SWHD or Photographer. I waive, release, discharge, and hold harmless SWHD and Photographer for any and all claims or demands arising out of or in connection with the Photographs or with SWHD’s or Photographer’s exercise of the rights and permissions granted herein, including all claims for additional compensation, claims of defamation, blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion, or any claims regarding rights of privacy or publicity. I understand that by releasing SWHD and Photographer from liability, I am giving up certain rights that I would otherwise retain. SWHD and/or Photographer own all rights in the Photographs, including all copyright rights, and I disclaim any rights I may have in the Photographs. This Agreement contains the entire agreement relating to the Photographs and the rights in the Photographs.
Requests for modification or termination of this agreement must be addressed in writing by the above named volunteer to SWHD at 2850 N. 24th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85008, Attn: Development Department.